Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Ahhh...Preacher Man actually came home today and helped me to clean the downstairs living room, downstairs kitchen, and downstairs bathroom! He even mopped the floors! I even cleaned the washer and dryer! Man, it feels SOOOO good to have at least a couple of clean rooms!

Now, I've just got to get my FlyLady/SHE system in place....When Preacher Man gets home every day, I will meet him at the door and hand him his SHE index cards with tasks to complete before he gets to go to bed! LOL!!! Seriously....that's what I'm gonna do! :) Preacher Man has said for *years* that he could help me clean the house, if ONLY he had a list of stuff to do. you can't see the garbarge overflowing into the floor? You can't see the pile of clean clothes in the laundry room, stacked so high it covers the top of the mirror? LOL! But I can't really complain....I'm not known for my top-notch housecleaning anyway. Now, I have an excuse - a bad back (had back surgery 1 1/2 years ago). But still, I do need to do more. :)

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