Thursday, May 7, 2009
Saturday, April 11, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
I'm gonna be leaving for our 14th anniversary "getaway" soon, and will be gone for a few days. I will have my computer, but I don't know if I'll be blogging or not. I might - we are hopefully going to be resting and relaxing. Of course, if we are just relaxing, I guess I won't have much to blog about. LOL!
Please pray for my Princess that she will be feeling better before we leave. And please pray for our safe travel and that we come home safely! :)
Please pray for my Princess that she will be feeling better before we leave. And please pray for our safe travel and that we come home safely! :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Why I've Been MIA...
Sorry I've been "MIA" for a while.... A lot has been going on.
* Princess has "walking pneumonia". We went to the doctor yesterday. She heard pneumonia in her lungs and said they needed to do a finger stick to check if it was regular pneumonia or walking pneumonia. Princess got really nervous about the finger stick. It ended up not hurting as bad as she thought it would. But apparently she got so nervous that she threw up all over the doctor's office. I tried to jerk the trash can out of the cabinet, but it was LOCKED IN! Who locks up a trash can??? So I did the only thing any mother would do....I held out my hands. If you are a mother, you know what I mean. It's pure instinct. Unfortunately, she had to throw up A LOT, and my hands are SMALL! You can see where this is went everywhere. She was so embarrassed! The nurse and doctor were very nice about it.
* Preach and I are going away "sans kids" for our 14-year anniversary. This is the first time we've been away from the kids for more than a night or two. We're not going too far, but now it's a little worrisome since Princess is sick. Praying the medicine works quickly on her...
* The biggest news is that Preach has resigned as Associate Pastor of our church. Nothing major bad happened. God just called him out of there. We don't have a church waiting for us, so Preach just want to take a breather. We are going to visit some churches and just be church-goers for a while. But, of course, if God calls him to another church soon, we will definitely go! :)
* Princess has "walking pneumonia". We went to the doctor yesterday. She heard pneumonia in her lungs and said they needed to do a finger stick to check if it was regular pneumonia or walking pneumonia. Princess got really nervous about the finger stick. It ended up not hurting as bad as she thought it would. But apparently she got so nervous that she threw up all over the doctor's office. I tried to jerk the trash can out of the cabinet, but it was LOCKED IN! Who locks up a trash can??? So I did the only thing any mother would do....I held out my hands. If you are a mother, you know what I mean. It's pure instinct. Unfortunately, she had to throw up A LOT, and my hands are SMALL! You can see where this is went everywhere. She was so embarrassed! The nurse and doctor were very nice about it.
* Preach and I are going away "sans kids" for our 14-year anniversary. This is the first time we've been away from the kids for more than a night or two. We're not going too far, but now it's a little worrisome since Princess is sick. Praying the medicine works quickly on her...
* The biggest news is that Preach has resigned as Associate Pastor of our church. Nothing major bad happened. God just called him out of there. We don't have a church waiting for us, so Preach just want to take a breather. We are going to visit some churches and just be church-goers for a while. But, of course, if God calls him to another church soon, we will definitely go! :)
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
WFMW: Does your hubby hog the covers? (or do you?)

Every Wednesday, We Are THAT FAmily hosts "Works-for-me-Wednesday". Check it out! There are always neat ideas and tips to make life a little easier!
I wanted to pass on a tip that I learned recently. I haven't put it to use yet, but I plan to the next time I buy sheets (which I need to do SOON!).
Does your DH hog the covers are night? Or is there always a little part of you that "hangs out" and freezes because the sheets don't cover everything? Here's a cool tip: When you buy sheets, don't buy the whole set with everything in it. Buy each piece separately. Buy the fitted sheet and pillow cases to fit your size mattress. But buy the flat sheet in a BIGGER SIZE! Then there will be plenty of sheet to go around for everyone! This can also work with blankets. Just buy a size bigger and you will never be cold again. :) You will have to do a little more tucking when you make up your bed, but that's a small price to pay to be warm at night. LOL!
Everyone may already know of this tip. But I swear, when I heard it, bells went off in my head! I was floored at this simple solution for an aggravating problem.
So buy bigger and stay warm!
Friday, March 6, 2009
New Coupon Database!
Woo hoo! Take a look at this new coupon database: We Use Coupons
This is great! You just put in the item you are looking for, and it lists all coupons that are have not expired and where to find them! This will cut down on so much time looking for coupons. There is one coupon database that I know of (Taylortown Preview) but I never could find anything on there. This new database is super-easy!
This is great! You just put in the item you are looking for, and it lists all coupons that are have not expired and where to find them! This will cut down on so much time looking for coupons. There is one coupon database that I know of (Taylortown Preview) but I never could find anything on there. This new database is super-easy!
Monday, March 2, 2009
Faith of A Child
Prince's birthday was recently (he turned 9) on a Sunday. That Sunday morning was Baptist Men's Day at church where men were given the opportunity to give a testimony (of salvation, of what God has done for them). One man plus my DH, who is the Assoc. Pastor, gave their testimonies. Prince asked Preach if he could speak. So he gets up there and tells how the the day before everything went wrong that we tried to do for his birthday, but it turned out okay, and he thanked God for it. He also thanked God for such good parents and that Jesus saved him. :)
After church, we ran to Taco Bell. A really nice lady took our order (which took forever for us to do - you should see the 4 of us trying to decide what to order at Taco Bell!). While eating, Prince finishes and wants some nachos. So we give him a dollar and watch while he goes and orders it himself from this nice lady. He comes back, and proceeds to tell us that he invited the lady to church and that she said she would come talk to him about it later. I was kind of worried - I wondered if she was mad that he asked her if she went to church and was going to complain to us. In a few minutes, she did come by, but not to complain. She came to ask where our church was located and to tell us that she would be there that night!
And she DID come to church that night! Prince went to talk to her, and she gave him a big ol' hug, and told everyone there that "the baby" asked her to come. Everyone there that night left talking about Prince inviting a lady at Taco Bell to church and that she actually came. I think it made an impression on everyone. How can you say that you don't have anyone to invite to church, when a 9-year-old boy asks a complete stranger to church and she comes?
Prince always inspires me with his unconditional love and unwavering faith. He has a tender, innocent heart that I will protect with every fiber of my being. I love him so much!
After church, we ran to Taco Bell. A really nice lady took our order (which took forever for us to do - you should see the 4 of us trying to decide what to order at Taco Bell!). While eating, Prince finishes and wants some nachos. So we give him a dollar and watch while he goes and orders it himself from this nice lady. He comes back, and proceeds to tell us that he invited the lady to church and that she said she would come talk to him about it later. I was kind of worried - I wondered if she was mad that he asked her if she went to church and was going to complain to us. In a few minutes, she did come by, but not to complain. She came to ask where our church was located and to tell us that she would be there that night!
And she DID come to church that night! Prince went to talk to her, and she gave him a big ol' hug, and told everyone there that "the baby" asked her to come. Everyone there that night left talking about Prince inviting a lady at Taco Bell to church and that she actually came. I think it made an impression on everyone. How can you say that you don't have anyone to invite to church, when a 9-year-old boy asks a complete stranger to church and she comes?
Prince always inspires me with his unconditional love and unwavering faith. He has a tender, innocent heart that I will protect with every fiber of my being. I love him so much!
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saving Money on Groceries without Clipping Coupons
Crystal from Biblical Womanhood asked for readers to list some tips for saving money on groceries without clipping coupons. I think this is an important topic. I do clip coupons, but I'll be the first to admit, it can be a pain. It can be stressful. It can be time-consuming. But I love the thrill of getting something for free or almost free! I know that coupons are not for everyone, so that's why I wanted to post on this topic.
In addition to all of Crystal's tips, here are a few more....
1) Aldi Queen - This mom has a whole section of a blog devoted to Aldi shopping! Aldi's is a great place to shop, if you are lucky enough to be near one. Our Aldi's is clean, well-organized, and has very friendly staff. Aldi Queen has several menu guides and tons of recipes from just products bought at Aldi's! You are bound to save money if you follow her advice.
2) Angel Food Ministries - This is a food relief program that is distributed by local area churches. You can get a big box of food for $30 (worth $65). It is enough to feed a family of 4 for a week. You can buy as many boxes as you want. You pick it up once a month. Go to the website for each month's menu, order what you want, and where to pick up your boxes. And there are blogs that post recipes using Angel Food Ministries food for each month! Here's one: Hillbilly Housewife's Angel Food Menus
3) Shop for marked down groceries - Kroger is awesome for marking down items in their bakery and produce area that are fixing to expire. Since we have gotten several Publix stores in our area recently, Kroger is marking down a lot more. I always go through the bakery/produce areas and scan for orange clearance tags first. I have gotten broccoli slaw, hydroponic lettuce, cut-up veggies in bags, fresh herbs, vegetable trays, fruit trays, dip trays, cheese/beef stick trays, chicken tenders, fried chicken, rotisserie chicken, lots of bread, pies, cookies, cakes, Hawaiian rolls, specialty cheeses, and much more marked down half price or even more. And the "sell by" date does NOT mean that you can't eat it after that date! It usually will last up to a week past that date.
Big Lots is another place that marks down their grocery items. It's usually cheap to begin with, but then half-off of that makes it even better! Last night I went to Big Lots and got brand name Graham Crackers for $1, Apple Jack cereal straws for $1, and saw but didn't get the new Kraft Mac-n-Cheese crackers for .75 or so.
So it can be done. Be sure to read Biblical Womanhood for lots more tips on saving money on groceries without clipping coupons!
In addition to all of Crystal's tips, here are a few more....
1) Aldi Queen - This mom has a whole section of a blog devoted to Aldi shopping! Aldi's is a great place to shop, if you are lucky enough to be near one. Our Aldi's is clean, well-organized, and has very friendly staff. Aldi Queen has several menu guides and tons of recipes from just products bought at Aldi's! You are bound to save money if you follow her advice.
2) Angel Food Ministries - This is a food relief program that is distributed by local area churches. You can get a big box of food for $30 (worth $65). It is enough to feed a family of 4 for a week. You can buy as many boxes as you want. You pick it up once a month. Go to the website for each month's menu, order what you want, and where to pick up your boxes. And there are blogs that post recipes using Angel Food Ministries food for each month! Here's one: Hillbilly Housewife's Angel Food Menus
3) Shop for marked down groceries - Kroger is awesome for marking down items in their bakery and produce area that are fixing to expire. Since we have gotten several Publix stores in our area recently, Kroger is marking down a lot more. I always go through the bakery/produce areas and scan for orange clearance tags first. I have gotten broccoli slaw, hydroponic lettuce, cut-up veggies in bags, fresh herbs, vegetable trays, fruit trays, dip trays, cheese/beef stick trays, chicken tenders, fried chicken, rotisserie chicken, lots of bread, pies, cookies, cakes, Hawaiian rolls, specialty cheeses, and much more marked down half price or even more. And the "sell by" date does NOT mean that you can't eat it after that date! It usually will last up to a week past that date.
Big Lots is another place that marks down their grocery items. It's usually cheap to begin with, but then half-off of that makes it even better! Last night I went to Big Lots and got brand name Graham Crackers for $1, Apple Jack cereal straws for $1, and saw but didn't get the new Kraft Mac-n-Cheese crackers for .75 or so.
So it can be done. Be sure to read Biblical Womanhood for lots more tips on saving money on groceries without clipping coupons!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Reading Rainbow Book Contest
My kids have recently started watching "Reading Rainbow", which they love! And I am surprised all the time by what they learn on there! Today on RR, he advertised a book contest that ends sometime in March. The link is here. The contest is for K-3rd graders, each grade having 3 winners. The prizes are awesome - flat screen TV, digital camera, and a MP3 player! Anyway, you child must write an original story with at least 5 colorful illustrations. There are word minimums and maxes for each grade. Invented spelling is accepted! My kids were so excited! They wanted me to look it up right away. Princess dropped to the floor immediately and started her illustrations. Prince thought about it, and decided to write about Egyptians. He asked me for some books on Egypt and went to work. He came and showed me his book. I read it, and with a sinking heart, asked him, "Did you copy the words from the books you looked at?" He said yes. I had to explain that he couldn't do that, what plagiarism is, why you wouldn't want someone copying your words, etc. He immediately burst into tears. I totally understood - all that hard work! I convinced him that his pages could be his "research" on Egyptians, and he could write a new story using his research. That led to a discussion of research, fiction/non-fiction, beginning/middle/end to a story, etc. It was actually a good lesson. I just hope he doesn't get discouraged. This contest is right up his alley. He is always writing his own stories and books. I hope that having parameters won't stifle his creativity, you know?
I let all of this writing count towards our Language Arts today! :)
I let all of this writing count towards our Language Arts today! :)
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Look What I Won!
Look what I won at the blog, Shopping Without Money! (click on blog name to see post of picture of what I won) It's a Ziploc organizational pack! Woo hoo! I never win anything!! Okay, well, I did win a lawn mower last year. But I've never won anything besides that! LOL! Check out her blog, too. There's lots of frugal tips on there - my favorite topic right now!!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I went a little crazy yesterday
Yesterday was just one of those days. I needed to do several errands. But right before we are ready to leave, Prince hangs his pinky toe on a door. He had already hurt it two nights before by bending it back. So as he is bawling, I call my sister and she graciously agrees to watch the kids while I go.
I first went to the library. I love going to the library alone. I get to wander and meander and take my time. I even found "The Shack" yesterday that my DH has been wanting to read. It was put out by mistake because it had a ton of holds on it. But they let me have it since it was their mistake (don't you wish stores were like that?).
I go to Target to get a couple of things for the All About Spelling curriculum that I'm starting. I needed a 2'X3' magnetic white board and 2 3X5 index card holders. Well, struck out on both at Target. Nada. As I was leaving, I remember I had something in the van that I wanted to return. As I'm leaving, I notice there is no one in the Return line. Yay! I go into the rain, grab the bag, and come back. I swear, there was now a line of people returning stuff. And lucky me, there is a man returning stuff off of 5 different receipts. (sigh) I wait forever, finally get up there, and get my $$ back.
Now I have to go to Wal-Mart, my LEAST favorite place in the world. I go to the one I hardly ever go to since it's closer. Let me ask you a question...if you were just going in for office supplies, wouldn't you park on the regular Wal-Mart side, not the Food Center side? Makes sense, right? I park and go in, and wander around forever trying to find the office supplies. I can't find them!!! By this time, my back is hurting, and I seriously contemplate crying. I can't even find a hardworking, gracious Wal-Mart employee. As I stand in middle of an aisle, muttering to myself, I try to think like a Wal-Martian - where would I put office supplies if I was Wal-Mart? Oh, YEAH! I would put them in the FOOD CENTER!! I go over to the Food part, and sure enough, found the Office Supplies. Like I said, makes so much sense, right? Anyway, I did find the white board (Thank you, Wally World) and found ONE 3X5 index card box. I pick it up and notice it won't even close and catch. Of course. I go to the check-out, and guess who I'm behind? The 5-receipt man from Target! Of course. At least he was't returning anything. He did use a gift card, cash, and a debit card to pay for some Nyquil. Go figure.
So I call my sister in a panic, asking if she has any 3X5 card boxes laying around. She doesn't but assures me it's okay if I go and find one. So I go to Office Max. That's where I have a little meltdown. This is where I'm a little embarassed to admit how I acted. I go into Office Max straight to the index card aisle. There is ONE 3X5 index card box. I pick it up...and shake the lid up and down and it will NOT CATCH CLOSED! I said a not-so-nice word and slammed it down back on the shelf. I picked it back up again and THREW it on the shelf! Yes, I am embarassed. My only excuse is PMS.
I leave and go to another office supply store. They had only 2, with only one half-way working. I buy it. It will have to do for now.
I almost run out of gas on the way home.
I still didn't get to go to Michael's and get ebony pencils for out new Artistic Pursuits curriculum. And I didn't get to go into Lifeway and pick up our Fireproof movie copy that we pre-bought and got $10 gift cards (great deal and even better movie!). And the weather is nasty today. Oh, well. It can wait another week. :)
I first went to the library. I love going to the library alone. I get to wander and meander and take my time. I even found "The Shack" yesterday that my DH has been wanting to read. It was put out by mistake because it had a ton of holds on it. But they let me have it since it was their mistake (don't you wish stores were like that?).
I go to Target to get a couple of things for the All About Spelling curriculum that I'm starting. I needed a 2'X3' magnetic white board and 2 3X5 index card holders. Well, struck out on both at Target. Nada. As I was leaving, I remember I had something in the van that I wanted to return. As I'm leaving, I notice there is no one in the Return line. Yay! I go into the rain, grab the bag, and come back. I swear, there was now a line of people returning stuff. And lucky me, there is a man returning stuff off of 5 different receipts. (sigh) I wait forever, finally get up there, and get my $$ back.
Now I have to go to Wal-Mart, my LEAST favorite place in the world. I go to the one I hardly ever go to since it's closer. Let me ask you a question...if you were just going in for office supplies, wouldn't you park on the regular Wal-Mart side, not the Food Center side? Makes sense, right? I park and go in, and wander around forever trying to find the office supplies. I can't find them!!! By this time, my back is hurting, and I seriously contemplate crying. I can't even find a hardworking, gracious Wal-Mart employee. As I stand in middle of an aisle, muttering to myself, I try to think like a Wal-Martian - where would I put office supplies if I was Wal-Mart? Oh, YEAH! I would put them in the FOOD CENTER!! I go over to the Food part, and sure enough, found the Office Supplies. Like I said, makes so much sense, right? Anyway, I did find the white board (Thank you, Wally World) and found ONE 3X5 index card box. I pick it up and notice it won't even close and catch. Of course. I go to the check-out, and guess who I'm behind? The 5-receipt man from Target! Of course. At least he was't returning anything. He did use a gift card, cash, and a debit card to pay for some Nyquil. Go figure.
So I call my sister in a panic, asking if she has any 3X5 card boxes laying around. She doesn't but assures me it's okay if I go and find one. So I go to Office Max. That's where I have a little meltdown. This is where I'm a little embarassed to admit how I acted. I go into Office Max straight to the index card aisle. There is ONE 3X5 index card box. I pick it up...and shake the lid up and down and it will NOT CATCH CLOSED! I said a not-so-nice word and slammed it down back on the shelf. I picked it back up again and THREW it on the shelf! Yes, I am embarassed. My only excuse is PMS.
I leave and go to another office supply store. They had only 2, with only one half-way working. I buy it. It will have to do for now.
I almost run out of gas on the way home.
I still didn't get to go to Michael's and get ebony pencils for out new Artistic Pursuits curriculum. And I didn't get to go into Lifeway and pick up our Fireproof movie copy that we pre-bought and got $10 gift cards (great deal and even better movie!). And the weather is nasty today. Oh, well. It can wait another week. :)
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Welcome to my new blog! There are a couple of reasons I am starting a new blog. No, I'm not trying to run and hide from anyone. LOL! ;) First, I realized my old blog was called "Homeschooling Hearts for God" but I never talked about homeschooling. So I thought about just changing the name on the blog, but that would mean I would have to leave the web address, which still has "homeschooling" in it. And since I'm a matchy-matchy type of girl, I really wanted the title and web address to match.
Second, I just wanted a fresh start. This is a new year, and I want to change a lot of things, and my blog seems the easiest place to start.
Third, if you know me outside of web world, you know that I like to change things all the time. I even like to change houses every couple years! LOL! I get tired of paint colors, comforters, themes, etc really quickly and always want to change it up (I usually don't have the money to change them all the time, but I *want* to!).
So I apologize for once again changing blogs on you. But if you aren't surprised I'm doing this, then you know me too well. ;)
Second, I just wanted a fresh start. This is a new year, and I want to change a lot of things, and my blog seems the easiest place to start.
Third, if you know me outside of web world, you know that I like to change things all the time. I even like to change houses every couple years! LOL! I get tired of paint colors, comforters, themes, etc really quickly and always want to change it up (I usually don't have the money to change them all the time, but I *want* to!).
So I apologize for once again changing blogs on you. But if you aren't surprised I'm doing this, then you know me too well. ;)
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